Sunday, March 13, 2005

Quadruple Booked!/ Concluding the Week of Tears

A new Elijah Bewilderedly Guinness record, ladies and gents!

I quadruple booked myself this afternoon.

And I had the opportunity to make it a quintuple, but for Tom's sake I denied the possible Boston City Band gig which I'd been offered.

Here's the four:
A creative meeting for my friend Sunny Kim's recital: 12-2pm
A 'day' at my teacher Warren's house singing and working: approx. 12-6pm
An usher gig at school 2-6pm
and three free tickets to Durufle's Requiem Op. 9 in Cambridge 3-5pm

I chose not the most 'responsible' route, but the most enjoyable one for sure:
I hung out with Sunny and showed up to the concert in time for the Durufle.

Normally, I probably would've dipped the free concert first, but you must understand how much I love this piece of music.  Durufle's Requiem is one of those holy works of art that turns me into a weeping mess, every single time.    Seeing as this past week was all about turning into a weeping mess, I pounced on the opportunity to conclude my week so appropriately.

Got my roommate to cover my shift, put Warren off 'til Tuesday.

So off to Cambridge I went with a great book to read, plenty of water, and Durufle's score.

When I got there Handle's Coronation was crowning away.   I traded me some Handle for some sunshine and sat outside to write and prep my spirit for the Durufle.

I ended up staring at drips in a puddle for about 10 minutes and jotting down this:

Embracing chaos... transcribing the chaos of your being.

It's alright to be (anything!) afraid. Just one thing: DON'T MISS IT! watch it. love it. sit with it. treat it like a beautiful, curious child and answer its every question.

[at this point the clouds and the sun were changing the colors of this puddle scene every few seconds]

revel in art until it breaks you and then watch God make art
then just be God.


Centered on the Divine I sat down, score in hand. 

When the tears came (in three VERY specific spots, by the way) I noticed how utterly physical of a response it was.    It came right up from my groin. My stomach had the sensation of being speared, impaled by the beauty  . From there on up it just tore away at my insides. My ribs, my throat, my jaw, all clenched... or maybe not clenched, just fully engaged as if every cell in my body was suddenly put on emergency.   It finally blasted up through my eyes and out the top of my head. Salty tears, snots and all.

Now I think I understand a little more why this 'hurts' so much. The body isn't used to functioning like this!(yet...)   It is too much take in at once. But in small bursts, it is a great fire that cleans me out, heals me.

and I'm so grateful.

Here's one of those 3 spots for all you guitarists curious enough.
Try to imagine basses, cellos and violas.

I'll write out every beat.
A period (.) means "sustain the note just played".

It is slow, sweet, dolce, and very ligato. Maybe add some vibrato. Everything's very much connected, but don't leave notes from the previous chord ringing unless noted by the (.)
It ritards at the very end.

b------------------------------------2--5--------------2---5 --2--0--2--5--.
a--4--2--4--2--4--.--2--- 2--4--2--------4---4--2-------------------------


At March 16, 2005 at 5:03 PM, Blogger db said...

Hey Sean!

It's really simple to post from your current post to an older post (or any other web page for that matter). When you log in in Blogger and ae typing a new post, you should see a hyperlink icon at the top of your draft box. It'll look like a small earth with a chain link over it. Top make a word "linkable", highlight the word and the click on that icon. A small box will appear in which you type in the web address of whatever you want to link to. In your case (wanting to link to another, older post), you'll want the permalink of that post. In order to get the web addy of whatever post you want to link to, go to that post and click on the time of that post (for this post it would be "4:37 PM"; the underlined part), it'll open that post in a new window and the top, in your address bar of your browser, you'll see the web address of that post. Simply copy this address and paste it into the box that appears when you click on the hyperlink icon in your current post. Blogger will automatically load the code to make whatever word you highlighted "linkable". Feel free to ask any questions.

By the way, loving your blog. I am amazed at your insights and your sensitivity toward life and your 'self'.

Your brother gave me the link, hope you don't mind!

Stay true man.



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